(updated Dec 2024)
- Diploma in Atmospheric Sciences, Universidad de Buenos Aires, 2012
- Ph.D in Atmospheric and Ocean Sciences, Universidad de Buenos Aires, 2017
Work experience
- November 2022 - Present: Associate Researcher. Centro de Investigaciones del Mar y la Atmósfera (UBA-CONICET). Project: Impacts of the dynamics of the Southern Annular Mode and its combined influence with ENSO on the South America Climate and its predictability.
- Sep 2021- December 2023: Postdoctoral Researcher. Karlsruhe Institute of Technology. Project: Sub-seasonal Predictionfor the Energy Sector. In collaboration with AXPO Solutions AG, Baden, Switzerland. Supervisor: Christian M. Grams.
- November 2018 - October 2022: Junior Researcher (on leave from September 2021 until November 2022). Centro de Investigaciones del Mar y la Atmósfera (UBA-CONICET). Project: Development of probabilistic seasonal forecasts for its operational use by the National Weather Service. Supervisor: Carolina Vera.
- April 2017 - October 2018: Postdoctoral Researcher. Centro de Investigaciones del Mar y la Atmósfera (UBA-CONICET). Project: Development of probabilistic seasonal forecasts for its operational use by the National Weather Service. Supervisor: Carolina Vera.
- April 2012 - March 2017: Ph.D Student. Centro de Investigaciones del Mar y la Atmósfera (UBA-CONICET). Project: Predictability and prediction on seasonal timescales over South America. Supervisor: Carolina Vera.
- November 2008 - March 2012: Undergraduate Student. Centro de Investigaciones del Mar y la Atmósfera (UBA-CONICET). Project: CLARIS-LPB. Supervisor: Carolina Vera.
Check the publications for more details or refer to my ORCID profile for an updated list.
Book Chapters
- Ruiz, J., Aldeco L., Diehl A., García Skabar Y., Matsudo C., Osman M., Peloroso L., Saulo. C., Vera C. Cap 37: Aplicaciones en Argentina. Física del Caos en la Predicción Meteorológica. Ed. Carlos Santos Burguete. Agencia Estatal de Meteorología de España. DOI: 10.31978/014-18-009-X.URL
Technical Reports
Gustavo Naumann, and co-authors. “Extreme and long-term drought in the La Plata Basin: event evolution and impact assessment until September 2022”.Publications Office of the European Union. 2023. ISBN 978-92-76-61614-6.
Osman Marisol, Alvarez MS. “Variabilidad climática intraestacional: más allá del Niño”. Boletín técnico del Programa Presupuestal por Resultados vol. 4 N° 8 de agosto de 2017. Instituto Geográfico de Perú.
Godoy A. A., M Osman, L. E. Ferreira, M. M. Skansi, y C. Vera, 2019: Aplicación del índice LISAM en el monitoreo del monzón sudamericano. Reporte Técnico SMN 2019-53.
Please check the talks section for more details.
I have been appointed as Lecturer at the University of Buenos Aires in May 2024. In the past, I worked as Teaching Assistant. All the positions were obtained by open and competitive selection processes. Check the teaching section for more details
Lecturer in short courses (by invitation)
Lecturer in the “Workshop on Subseasonal Prediction” organized by SISSA project under the Regional Climate Center for Souther South America. Buenos Aires, Argentina. 18/03/2024 al 22/04/2024.
Lecturer in the “10 International Training Workshop. Theme: Subseasonal to seasonal forecasting” organized by NOAA-USAID. Guayaquil, Ecuador. 9/07/2018 al 20/07/2018.
Lecturer in the “South American School on Predictability and Prediction on Subseasonal Timescales” organized by the WMO. Paraguay 10/07/2017 al 14/07/2017.
Student Supervision
Current Students
Luciano Andrian is a PhD student working on the combine influence of ENSO and other climate patterns on South America climate on interannual timescales. Co-supervisor: Carolina Vera.
Nahuel Gomez is a PhD student working on the stratospheric-tropospheric coupling in the Southern Hemisphere. Co-supervisor: Carolina Vera.
Marco Micieli is a Master student working on topological analysis of the dynamics of the subpolar jet in Southern South America. Supervisor: Denise Sciamarella.
Past Students
- I have supervised 3 Master students and co-supervised 1 Master student at UBA.
- I have co-supervised a Bachelor student at KIT.
- I have co-supervised a Master student at KIT.
Current Projects
The combined influence of large-scale climate patters in the development of high-impact climate events in Northeastern Argentina and its predictability. PI: Federico Robledo.
Assessment, predictability and prediction of the combined influence of large-scale climate patterns in the development of high impact climate events in the Paraguay River Basin. PI: Federico Robledo.
Interactions between multiple large-scale climate patterns and their impacts in South American Climate. Institution: University of Buenos Aires. PI: Carolina Vera
Past Projects
I led 3 project funded by Argentine and international institutions. I have participated in many projects funded by local and international institutions.
Cooperation Agreements
I signed an agreement with the Argentine Meteorological Service to implement the seasonal forecast system developed during my PhD and Postdoc.
Experience as Reviewer
Member of the Editorial Board of the Journal of the Southern Hemisphere Earth System Sciences. July 2021 - present.
Guest Editor Special Issue on “Subseasonal to Decadal Predictions in support of Climate Services”. Climate Services Journal. March 2021 - January 2023.
Revision of articles submitted to Journal of Climate, Tellus, Meteorological Applications, Climate Dynamics, Advanced in Science and Research, International Journal of Climatology, Revista Brasileira de Meteorologia, Meteorológica, Quaterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society, Journal of Hydrometeorology, Meteorological Applications.
Reviewer of the First Order Draft and Second Order Draft of the IPCC WGI AR6.
Other Activities
Member of the Working Group on Subseasonal Applications in Agriculture and Environment of the World Weather Research Programme.
Member of the Working Group on Subseasonal to Interdecadal Climate Prediction of the World Climate Research Programme.
Joint Monthly Climate Briefings: In collaboration with the Argentina National Weather Service (SMN) the Department of Atmospheric and Ocean Science (DCAO) and CIMA I co-organize the joint CIMA-DCAO-SMN monthly climate briefing to present and discuss with the academic and operational weather and climate community the past climate conditions responsible for the climate anomalies observed in Argentina and South America. I participate and co-organize this activity since August 2011.
Member of the Executive Committee of YESS (Young Earth System Scientist) community. YESS, the Young Earth System Scientists community, is an interdisciplinary early career scientists network. YESS community unifies international and multidisciplinary early career scientists in a powerful network, providing a voice and leverage for a better future to serve society. As an Executive Committee member I’m responsible for maintaining and guiding YESS activities and working groups.
I have co-organized 2 international workshops for ECRs in the past 3 years.
I made short visits to the NOAA Climate Prediction Center, Australian Bureau of Meteorology, MeteoFrance and CPTEC to learn about the forecast tools and practices in those institutions.
Academic Visitor at the University of Reading. Supervisor: Ted Shepherd. From April to June of 2019.